Part 7: Master Morax

Alright, so just around the corner from the terminal we can find stairs leading to an alternative entrance to B2F. As an added bonus...

We've now seen the entirety of B1F! If you really wanted to, you could skip through it very quickly but that's boring and not exactly fun.

Anyway, B2F! We've been here ever-so-briefly earlier but now we get to actually explore it properly.

Just through the door, we can pick up a new Forma (we haven't fought what drops this one yet) that will prove very useful and important later.

This area is pretty straightforward but gives us two doors pretty quickly. We'll go through the one to the left first.

It doesn't really lead much of anywhere. Just a single 2-tile width corridor that ends up being a dead end very quickly.

But! In the bottm left corner, directly opposite the door, we can find a single Sandman to talk to.

H-how lewd!

I'm sure it only bugs me but boy it would be nice for this Sandman to keep a straight characterisation for one conversation.

So that's a 2nd EX Mission. This one we can do very easily, very quickly. The reward is very nice but not super crucial, mind.

I did briefly consider doing it right now. Sandmen are easily found in B1F but first I picked up a Kaso.

And then decided that, eh, it can wait until later. So we'll shelf that one for now. Instead, we'll head through that door to the right and move on.

Not too far in, we get forced into dialogue with this guy.
Also, Master Morax? Now, I'm sure I've seen that name somewhere before...

Rather unceremoniously, we're thrown into a fight against a single Oni. Now this should be a problem, because this Oni is kind of a mini-miniboss in a way. He's stronger than a normal Oni but has the same skills and resistances. That last part is very important because it's a universal constant.

Because this Oni is weak to Elec, every Oni we run into later will also be weak to Elec. This includes ones we can use. This fact also applies to every single demon in the game. If a usable version ha a weakness, fixed fights/boss versions (as applicable) do as well.

The sole exception to this is Expel (Light) and Curse (Dark) because that'd make things too easy. Ailments are also varied, somewhat.

Oh and Oni doesn't resist Fire but he does resist Physicals. This isn't particularly major, but it's worth keeping in mnd.
Oh and every single ailment is also a weakness and has a 300% modifier to its proc rate.

Oni have a couple nasty tricks but this one only gets to pull off a Fang Breaker. Light tier Phys damage but it also debuffs Attack by 1 stage! Single target Tarunda with added damage can be pretty nice to have sometimes.

Naturally, Oni are what drop the Brute Horns and this one is pretty handy to get now. It gives us a 2nd which leaves an actual decision to make soon.

> The demon disappeared.

> Hitonari obtained DF Antlite x1.

These are both kind of nice for differing reasons. We can put the DF to use making very important armor, and the Jaki Bolts are new.

Fair, but we'll do that later. We don't have much of a reason to right now. Instead, we'll head on further in.

But this is a good time to see a couple new things in the area. Itsumade are the 2nd Raptor so they already make Onmoraki completely outdated. Poor onion-chicken death bird. Itsumade isn't very good mind, being weak to bullets and Ice. No resistances either. His source is kind of nice I guess?
Koppa Tengu is also weak to Guns and has no resistances. He's not very good in general but he does have innate Tarukaja. So do better things at this stage, but he's the earliest one to give you it at all and Yoma is Neutral-Law so he CAN be recruited.
That in-built Tarukaja is mostly noteworthy for when it does things like this:

(this is taken from a different playthrough and did not happen here, sorry)

2 Yoma Leaf's not bad, I suppose. Getting all 3 sources here at once though. Aww yeah. (Hua Po's has Resist Fire; it is the best by default.)

A couple Angels and a Gremlin now, huh? Sure. We know Angel really well from having used one for a while but Gremlin's new. Of course, he's where we get the Jaki Bolts and will prove Very Important later! You'll see. He's weak to Fire and Wind but resists Electric. He has Sukukaja which sounds nice but kind of isn't.

Also run into a single Archangel. Second Divine, of course. Weak to Curse and Electric but immune to Expel. Kind of strong, and tied highest level for random things in the area. Not exactly super-dangerous alone, but I wouldn't just take him super-lightly either.

Anyway, moving on. Beyond that fixed Oni, there's a single one-way door which leads us here. This door is the only way to go anywhere from in here. As soon as we approach it...

This time Oni comes with a Melchom. Who's a level lower than normal Melchoms. Remember what I said before about resistances? Well, we already know Melchom is weak to Elec and Oni is as well....

So this happens a lot this time. Later, shitlords.

And we steal Melchom's money as well. Sure, okay.

So now we can continue beyond this door.

We can see a door around the other side of this obstruction but, if we turn left, we can get to a different door first!

That lets us grab this. It'd be nicer if Hitonari had a decent Magic stat but it's worth getting anyway.

While we're here, I grab an Archangel to make navigation easier and less tedious. I then leave immediately.

We've got some new things to make now, after all.

The Andersen is kind of a gun downgrade in terms of raw power. It's basic attack is 2 guaranteed shots at random targets, but that makes it pretty darn good! Its only skill gives Hitonari a Bufu equivalent which is important, indeed. The only "hard" part about making it is that it requires 2 Brute Horns.

Meanwhile for armor, we can grab the Ancient Vest which has a Fire resistance. Resistances here are Really Good and in this case takes Fire damage from ~30 or so to ~5. Yes, really.
We'll grab this immediately, because obviously. The Gun weakness isn't a big deal at all, honestly. Problem is this takes a Brute Horn to make! So now we can't grab the Andersen just yet.

We can also make 2 new accessories. The Body Ring is +10HP and the Mind Ring is +10MP. Both are Shit and Bad and should never be used.

On the way back in, I'm going to take this opportunity to grab a couple easy Sources while I can. We'll start by fusing an Onmoraki out of a Knocker and Tangata Manu. Onmoraki is kind of awful so we won't be sincerely using him.

We'll also take a second Knocker and fuse it with a Pixie to make a Sandman. His Elec null is nice, I guess, but we also won't be using him for very long. The Dormina is also kind of nice but there are better things to use it with.
Now, because I am Psychic and can totally Read Your Mind, you're wondering what the hell I'm wasting my time on these things for. It's simple!

We're going to stick around on 1F of Antlia. This is an important area for many things and this little technique is one of them. We're going to kill that Dybbuk first because we want a fight against a single enemy with limited offense. Dybbuk's ability to inflict Sleep with its basic makes this more annoying.

Pixie now isolated, we Defend. We do absolutely nothing else.

A couple dozen turns later, Pixie dies and all 3 demons are now fully analyzed!
Wait, what? This is pretty simple but annoying. See, your demons gain analyze points the quickest just through being present for a turn in combat. There is no upper ceiling to how many points they can gain in a single fight. As a result, the fastest way to grind analyze is to just go to 1F of Antlia and Defend. Over and over and over again. For a demon that you've just gotten fresh for the first time, it takes 40 turns to get it to max Analyze.
Note that if you're fighting something that isn't fully analyzed yet, this does not work for grinding enemy analyze. That goes up much quicker by hitting Demon Co-Ops.
Why yes, this can get very tedious but even now there's no risk of anything going wrong so it's mundane but safe. Having something fully analyzed quickly is a godsend later on, because the real benefit is that it halves the Compendium cost!

We'll head back towards B2F to let them actually give their sources in a reasonable timeframe. That done, we're going to get a wee bit more serious again.
It's rather tempting to add a source to Goblin (Hua Po+Sandman) to make him more useful in general but we just want him for his Tarukaja. We also want him for something special later but his own skills do not matter for that.

The last Unknown for Antlia finally decides to make its appearance, and it's something we've fought before. Twice before, even. It's an Oni!

And this one uses his other skill. Rampage hits random targets 1-4 times for Light damage. It's actually pretty damn good for an earlygame skill. Really, random NoH things are upper-tier for their timeframe in general.

And the random/usable Oni are level 8. All the fixed ones have been level 7. Strange that.

Speaking of, as we return to the main path we run into a 3rd talkative Oni.

This might very well be one of the hardest fights in Antlia. Not because it's actually hard, but because 3/4s of it resist Fire and the Pixies have no weakness.

Granted without the Oni there, there's no risk of dying either.

As a nice bonus, we got a Bead out of this. Holding onto that for later though!

Now we can get through that door he was blocking at last.

Not much past there at first, but we've got a one-way door in the bottom corner here which lets us back out. Kind of.

...I think the game's mocking me. I'm not going to complain about a free Bead (thanks Archangel) but this would've been nice about 40 minutes earlier!

Only place to make any actual progress is through this door up top. Let's head on through then...

That's... very close. Man, it sure would've been nice to be informed of that sooner. Thanks, Demonica!

Ah well, we'll grab that forma for the free Itsumade drop.

Over to the far left and far right of this room there's a locked door. Just because we haven't seen what that looks like in true form Antlia before, I guess.

The door to the right hands us 1000 Macca. Cool, thanks I guess.

The door to the left

As we approach the signal, this guy stops us. I can see the Heal Spot behind that wall and I saw the terminal door earlier as well.

This gives us a text document about passwords. You can register upto 3 demons via passwords in your compendium. Feel free to post as many passwords in-thread as you want.
Mostly because I won't be using them.

Anyway, that done we can heal right by the door and...

Leave to go back to Irving! I really, REALLY want the Andersen okay?

And then we'll spend some time fusing exactly one thing. We'll start by taking the Goblin from earlier and fusing it with Sandman to make an Oni of our own.

Immediately buy the Sandman back to fuse with the Oni to make Poltergeist.

And then fuse the Poltergeist with a Knocker to give us Gremlin. It's not a complicated chain, but it's the easiest way I found to make Gremlin with my available materials. I'll probably end up doing this later on so just for the sake of consistency, here's a diagram:

Anyway, what we're doing with Gremlin isn't important but it's a timesaver. Kind of. Probably takes more time than it saves, really.

First, we need to get him fully analyzed. Fortunately, that's doable on the way back in.

Then we just run through the rest of Antlia, again. This gives time and opportunity for Gremlin to level up and give us his Source.
Gremlin's source has all of one fixed skill.

We'll take an Oni and Tangata Manu to make a Katakirauwa. We'll also give her Gremlin's Source:

The game does not expect you to have this yet. It is not balanced for this. This is ultimately a minor thing compared to what we'll be doing later. Strange Journey gives you sources but does not expect you to actually ever use them. Remember this. This is important!
It also applies to most of its mechanics, really.

So with our new Katakirauwa, we'll head on in to the danger room. It has a cool meteor in the background that sort of looks like a giant brain. Thankfully, it's not a little rock of horrors...

Instead, we have a giant bull man to deal with?
...So that makes both Orias and now this guy two things in succession that are totally-definitely-references. Yup.

Morax, much like Orias, is a demon from the Ars Goetia:
The Twenty-first Spirit is Marax. He is a Great Earl and President. He appeareth like a great Bull with a Man's face. His office is to make Men very knowing in Astronomy, and all other Liberal Sciences; also he can give good Familiars, and wise, knowing the virtues of Herbs and Stones which be precious. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, which must be made and worn as aforesaid, etc.
Also like Orias, he's totally intended to come off as a reference to an earlier game. Unlike Orias, he feels less lazy about it.
You see, the very first boss of Megami Tensei was Minotaur (if this sounds more recently familiar, it's because SMT4 did that as well. Because SMT4 wishes it was even half as good as Strange Journey). Minotaur was a right bastard of a boss all things considered, because he resisted almost everything, was immune to a couple things... and reflected Fire. At a time where your best damage was going to come from Fire spells.
Morax isn't quite as unfair as that, but he still reflects Fire.

As you probably gathered from my little bit of superfluous prep, Morax is weak to Ice. It helps cut through his 700HP very, very quickly.

Especially with Goblin spending the first 3 turns casting Tarukaja. If he had the MP/I had the interest to Chakra Drop him, he could get to +4 without issue or worry. Morax doesn't have an inbuilt counter for it after all.

Gremlin's going to spend his first few turns casting Sukunda. This isn't a great help but it miiiiight make him miss once or twice. Maybe. Probably not.

And, of course, Katakirauwa is going to cast Bufula every turn.

As things stand, Hitonari is going to outdamage her whenever he gets to attack. His Ice Shot deals more raw damage and the Co-Op that he's not in also deals more than the one he IS in.

But what can Morax actually do? A basic attack that deals less damage a Medicine, for starters. Single target Phys, no added traps. Ho hum.

His overall main skill is this, though. Gehenna is an Enemy-Only skill that probably costs no MP. Bosses have infinite MP (because obviously) so it doesn't really matter though. We CAN get an equivalent to Gehenna later on at least.

Gehenna isn't super-dangerous in a vacuum because it doesn't deal damage. Problem is, it's multi-target Fear (base 70% chance).
Now, we haven't seen Fear before so what makes this annoying is all new! Fear does all of 3 things. It does nothing, it makes you do nothing or if a demon is inflicted with Fear it can return itself to the stock. That last one is the most annoying because it wastes 2 turns instead of just one! Thankfully, we have a few Patra Stones already and Fear isn't a super big deal.

Morax also has Lunge which is a very "eh" Phys skill.

It barely outdoes a regular, basic attack. Good job, Morax.
He can also cast Maragi but that's not really a big deal most of the time.

When low on health, he gains access to Horned Rampage - his special skill. It's not a super-unique thing, since it's just Rampage But Stronger (doesn't look like it here but I had to Defend a lot to let him use it).

But, yeah, Morax is the first actual boss and thus not at all a threat. The hardest part I found was not killing him before he can show what he can really do.

He gives decent EXP and some alright Macca I suppose. Guaranteed Bead is nice if we really needed it, and is pretty sweet in general.

You... beckoned us...
> A strange energy cluster is sitting where Morax was.

Nah. We'll be fine.

This one scene plays a lot, and thankfully it's skippable in the future. It's not worth videoing either.

We finally lift off having prepared...

Activate our modified plasma armor to let us continue on through to a new area.

And then fly through a weird blue-green tunnel. Simple.

Infierno at first glance appears to be a weird typo, right? Well, if it was anyone else saying it then sure. Maybe. But because this is coming from Jimenez it's intentional. It's gratuitous Spanish, because obviously right?
Probably super obvious but infierno means Hell.

Boötes, of course, is also a constellation. Its name contains a diaeresis because of course it does. It contains... uh, Arcturus. Y'know, the brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere and the 4th brightest star period. Kind of cool, really.

Boötes is a Greek-derived name that means the herdsman, or maybe the plowman. As a constellation, it was first discovered by.... Ptolemy in the 2nd century.

Hurray, stock upgrade!

Don't worry Arthur, so do I. But it's going to wait a while. Sure, we could head on over to Boötes now but we're not going to! Instead, we've got some unfinished business in Antlia. We have a few Beads now so we can give one to that Pixie; we need to find a Sandman to get that sack back... and there's something else available now. Probably best to do it right away; after all, it would be ever so rude to keep a lady waiting.